True or false?

  1. Typically, OSHA will notify your organization of an upcoming inspection.
  2. If you’re in a “high hazard” industry, you’re more likely to be inspected by OSHA.
  3. Only management personnel are present at the opening inspection conference.

Find the correct answers at the conclusion of this article.

Three Tips for a Smooth OSHA Inspection

OSHA conducts inspections to make sure employers are following OSHA’s guidelines and regulations. An inspector may review everything from equipment to procedures, ensuring your worksite’s in compliance. Here are three things your organization can do to help an inspection go smoothly:

  1. Appoint your safety manager or a management team member who is well-versed in OSHA standards and your organization’s health and safety program. Appoint a backup as well in case the point person is unavailable.
  2. Print out the OSHA 300 log, Form 301 and Form 300A for the past five years. These forms document work injuries and illnesses for the inspector’s review.
  3. Perform internal audits that mirror an OSHA inspection. This helps your organization avoid a penalty or citation on inspection day, potentially saving tens of thousands of dollars.

Six Additional Steps to Take

And here are six additional steps to take before, during and after an inspection:

  1. Develop procedures for an OSHA inspection.
  2. Verify the identity of the inspector.
  3. Ensure the inspector wears appropriate safety gear while at your worksite.
  4. Accompany the inspector throughout the inspection. Take photos and notes.
  5. Provide a place for the inspector to interview workers and review documents.
  6. Never admit violations or unsafe practices, but do correct hazards identified by the inspector.

Pinnacol and Other Resources

Pinnacol is here to help you prepare for an OSHA inspection. The best way to ensure an uneventful inspection is to create a culture of safety and compliance today. Did you know Pinnacol offers free and low cost safety support to help you develop a safety program, produce compliant recordkeeping and much more? Pinnacol also offers an authoritative guidance and training about OSHA compliance at

Check out OSHA’s website for a handy fact sheet on inspections as well as a document detailing employers’ rights and responsibilities. For help, contact Pinnacol’s Safety On Call at, 303.361.4700 or 888.501.4752.

Answers to True-or-False Questions at Beginning of Article:

  1. False
  2. True
  3. False